Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) has been issuing Invitations to a majority of candidates under the Occupation In-Demand sub-category.
- Eligible skilled workers with experience in an eligible occupation and who meet other requirements may be invited through this stream.
- A job offer in Saskatchewan is not required, nor is Canadian work experience.
- Occupation In-Demand candidates with EOI scores as low as 69 were invited to apply in the recent draw.
Candidates selected in the recent draw had work experience in one of the following 15 occupations. “NOC” stands their National Occupation Classification (NOC) code:
The targeted occupations are as follows:
- Financial managers (NOC 0111)
- Human resource managers (NOC 0112)
- Other administrative services managers (NOC 0114)
- Banking credit and other investment managers (NOC 0122)
- Managers in agriculture (NOC 0821)
- Other financial officers (NOC 1114)
- Administrative officers (NOC 1221)
- Administrative assistants (NOC 1221)
- Accounting technicians and bookkeepers (NOC 1311)
- Information systems analysts and consultants (NOC 2171)
- Database analysts and data administrators (NOC 2172)
- Computer programmers and interactive media developers (NOC 2174)
- Architectural technologists and technicians (NOC 2251)
- Financial sales representatives (NOC 6235)
- Bakers (NOC 6332)
- Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairs (NOC 7321) & many more
As the first step, we need to create an EOI profile in order to be considered under the Occupation of In-Demand sub-category.
Why wait? Talk to us today, to begin with your application @ 91-8080859638 / 91-22-24971048