Tag Archives: IRCC

Canada’s commitment of welcoming more than 1.2 million new immigrants

This article is about Canada’s immigration before, during and (soon to be) after the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, Canada welcomed between 25,000 and 35,000 new immigrants per month. In the month of January 2021, Canada welcomed approximately 25,000 new permanent residents. This is comparable to the monthly intake prior to the pandemic. Good news […]

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Canada Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Program Opens for 3 Weeks (October 13, 2020 to November 3, 2020)

Due to COVID-19, the launch of the 2020 PGP Program was delayed allowing the Government of Canada prioritize its efforts to contribute to the whole-of-government response to the global pandemic. The re-opening of the program kept being postponed from time to time. On October 5, 2020, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Honorable Marco E. […]

Super Visa for Parents & Grandparents

This is an opportunity for children and grand children who were not successful to lodge an application through the Interest to Sponsor Parents and Grandparents – Canada’s Sponsorship program that opened and closed on January 28th within just eleven minutes!! Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) says eligible sponsors can bring their parents and grandparents […]

Canada to Re-Open- Parents and Grandparents sponsorship program- January 2019

The Government of Canada has announced reopening expressions of interest program for Parents and Grandparents. IRCC (Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada) is expected to process up to 20,000 applications through the Parents Grandparents sponsorship program in 2019. Invitations to apply (ITA) will be issued to the first 20,000 eligible sponsors who submit an Interest to […]